Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas with Grandpa Tom
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas in Jackson
Monday, December 22, 2008
Not feeling well
Christmas with Grandma O'Reilly
We were able to get a few photos in front of the christmas tree.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Two of Ben's cousins also have kids around the same age as Devin.
Like always he wants to be free to do what he wants to do. And what he loves to do is climb the stairs and there were a lot of stairs to climb up on.
12 Month Check-up
Monday, December 8, 2008
Daddy's little boy
He was fine UNTIL he touched the snow.
Monday, November 24, 2008
1st Birthday Party
As for opening presents he didn't seem very interested on opening them. He liked the toys and wanted to play with them instead of the paper. Which is a change!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
He did pretty good getting to pudding into his mouth; with and without the spoon.
He had so much trying to feed himself that he didn't want to get out of his chair.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
Then you got to love the tail in the back.
Grandpa's birthday
Monday, October 27, 2008
11 months old
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
More Photos
A busy last few days
Here is Devin outside of his new room. There are a bunch of farm animals and a big window with a barn painted around it.
In the last few days Devin has been walking more and more. This morning he barely crawled at all. He got everywhere he wanted to go by walking!!!
Over the weekend Pat, Robin & the kids came to visit. On Saturday night we were invited to go on a hayride, so Ben, Devin, Alexis, and I went. It was a little cold and late when the hayride started. But Devin had fun playing outside and inside. Alexis was so excited to go on th hayride that is all she could talk about all day. Her and I roasted a hotdog over the fire and then had a little to eat. Then we went on the hayride and I think she enjoyed it, but was getting really tired. Devin feel asleep on the hayride and Alexis fell asleep beofre we left the driveway right after the hayride.
All in all things have been going pretty good at our house. Just trying to get outside as much as possible before it gets too cold. Devin is not to sure about playing in a big pile of leaves, but doesn't mind a few of them.
Friday, October 10, 2008
We hope that we have a lot more days this the one we had today. We are not ready for winter and cold weather. That means less time playing outside.
Sick baby
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Family Pictures
Monday, September 22, 2008
Fun Finds
We went Saturday with Pat, Robin and the kids. Robin and I went garage saling together, while Pat and my mom had the three kids. After Devin finally got an afternoon nap Ben, Devin and I went to Fairmont for supper and to do a little shopping. Devin thought it would be fun to push the cart himself. And to our surprise he was able to move it just find.