Monday, October 27, 2008

11 months old

Wow can you believe it Devin is 11 months old today!!! The time has really flew by. He is really starting to develop such a cute little personality, but then again sometimes not so cute. He is usually very good natured, but he is also a very determined little boy. When he wants something there is no stopping him or changing his mind. Which can be a good thing when you look ahead in life, but right now a little frustrating for mommy and daddy.

A few weeks ago Ben and I were eating apples and Devin thought that he need one also. So, being the good parents that we are we shared!!!! Well, tonight as I was feeding Devin and trying to get him to go to bed. Ben got an apple and started eating it and THEN Devin thought he needed one. So, I got him his own and he worked about a good 15 minutes or more on it. He did get a little from it, but I think it is that he likes biting into the apple. I would rather have the apple getting bit instead of me!

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