As of last Wednesday that was Devin's last day at Little Lukes. Ben and I helped them move that night. They moved into their new location; which is at the Ag Center!! Little Giants! On Tuesday last week I helped a couple of the staff members with some cleaning at the new location and we also put up all of the tiles that the kids made as a fundriser. So, Devin spent Thursday and Friday home with me and then on Monday Alicia Johnson came over and watched him for the day. Alicia took him for a walk, to Wal-Mart, and even to football practice. She said that they had a great time together. Yesterday was Devin's first day at the new location and I think he had a good day. He even took two really good naps; which is surprising since his nap area is in the area that the other kids are playing. He got to go to the big gym and play in there. They said he liked pushing the toys around.

We went on Monday for a little while so that he could see his new room and play for a bit. They had an open house for the parents and kids. There are a lot of new toys to play with in his new room. In the picture with hime is Ms. Linda who has been his teacher since day one and is now in the Tiny Tot room!
Here is Devin outside of his new room. There are a bunch of farm animals and a big window with a barn painted around it.
In the last few days Devin has been walking more and more. This morning he barely crawled at all. He got everywhere he wanted to go by walking!!!
Over the weekend Pat, Robin & the kids came to visit. On Saturday night we were invited to go on a hayride, so Ben, Devin, Alexis, and I went. It was a little cold and late when the hayride started. But Devin had fun playing outside and inside. Alexis was so excited to go on th hayride that is all she could talk about all day. Her and I roasted a hotdog over the fire and then had a little to eat. Then we went on the hayride and I think she enjoyed it, but was getting really tired. Devin feel asleep on the hayride and Alexis fell asleep beofre we left the driveway right after the hayride.
All in all things have been going pretty good at our house. Just trying to get outside as much as possible before it gets too cold. Devin is not to sure about playing in a big pile of leaves, but doesn't mind a few of them.
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