Saturday, September 13, 2008

He is getting big

On Thursday I took Devin to his 9 month well-baby visit. He did really well, a bit active, but that is nothing new. He now weighs 21 lbs. 10.5 oz. and is 29 inches long. The doctor said that he is progressing nicely. What Devin is doing is what he would like to see kids at 12 months doing. Devin is now crawling at a very FAST speed and walking with push toys or around furniture. We are working on eating more and more different types of table food, but that doesn't go as well. He was also put on two different medications. He has a little bit of pneumona and bronchitis. The side effect of one of the medications is that it can cause children to be a little bit more hyper. Like we need that with Devin!!!!!

Other than that things are good at the Haase household. I have been busy with school and clinicals and Ben has been busy with work. I am really enjoying mu clinicals right now. It is nice to be able to see the end of the line and before I know it it will be May!

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