Monday, September 22, 2008

Fun Finds

This weekend was city wide garage sales. I went after clinicals on Friday to a few places and hit big at one. I found a slide/swing combination. Devin is not too sure about swinging in it because he would rather push the swing himself. He is still too small to climb on it, but that means he will grow into it. I thought it would be great for this winter in the basement. It would give him something to do in order to work on those large motor skills. Other than that I did find some clothes for him. Like he needs anymore!!!! I tried to look for more jeans and 18 month sizes.

We went Saturday with Pat, Robin and the kids. Robin and I went garage saling together, while Pat and my mom had the three kids. After Devin finally got an afternoon nap Ben, Devin and I went to Fairmont for supper and to do a little shopping. Devin thought it would be fun to push the cart himself. And to our surprise he was able to move it just find.

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