Friday, December 26, 2008


Christmas is alway a busy time of the year, but with a toddler it seems even busier. After being sick for the past few weeks, Devin is starting to finally feel better (medication really does help)! We spent Christmas Eve as a family this year. In the morning we went over to Ben's grandma's house for a little while. Devin was into EVERYTHING, like normal. He was really interested in what the cat was doing and where the cat was going. Then he found the cat food and that is all he wanted to play with. Of course mom and dad both said "no" which made Devin really mad! After visiting for a wjhile we went down to the Schaper's house to give Kayla her christmas gift. Devin got a remote control car from Kayla and he likes playing with it. He knows how to run the remote with no problem at all. Later that afternoon, I went to church with my mom. Devin had just fell asleep so he stayed home. When I got home we had a very uneventfull night of relaxing and opening gifts.
Devin was not that interested in opening presents. He would start opening the gift and hand me each piece of paper and then get bored.
He wasn't that excited about his gifts, but mom and dad's were more fun to play with.

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