Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas with Grandma O'Reilly

On Saturday we had Christmas with my mom, Patrick, Robin, Alexis, and Austin. They came over from Jackson on Friday night because the weather was going to be not the best on saturday. And for a change the weather man was right, it snoed again and the wind picked up and starting blowing the snow. We had a good time just hanging around the house and watching Patrick and Alexis outside in the cold.

After an afternoon nap for the kids and supper, we "finally" (in Alexis' mind) got to opening presents. Devin hasn't been feeling that well, so the idea of people and presents in a small around didn't go over to well. He opened one present and that was it. Once Ben moved him to the other side of the room he seemed to be a little better.

We were able to get a few photos in front of the christmas tree.

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