Saturday, December 26, 2009

Snow strom

Here are a bunch of photos from Christmas evening. Ben went out and cleaned the driveway while Devin and I played in the house for awhile. Then we went to join Ben outside. Devin took his new shovel outside to help dad clean the driveway. Devin does not like standing in the snow, but since the driveway was already cleaned he was fine on his own. I love how he is following his dad.

Look at all of that snow next to Devin.
I'm right behind you!!!
He was getting big scoop fulls and throwing it. What a big helper.
this was right towards the end and he was getting cold and the snow he was throwing was ending right back on him. And he did not like that.

I hope we are done with snow for awhile now. We have enough and the roads are icey. And I am not sure if we have anywhere else to put it.

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