I have to say that one nice thing about a two year old is that they can walk by the tree in the dark and think about the presents that are under there. He was up for about a good hour before he noticed the presents under the tree. But when he did he got very excited. He picked one up and said "present." So, we let him open his gifts. He said with PJs and a new puppy towel from Santa.

Then it was onto the Play-doh. Which he was very happy with.

And even more Play-doh and if you can tell there is a Star Wars theme going on. Can you figure out who picked out the Play-doh?!

Then we got some BIG "WOWs" next with this gift and the next.

Of course we had to open it right away.

Then it was "wow tractor!" He didn't even get all of the paper off and he was handing it to his dad to open it.

After playing for awhile he found the shovel that Santa left him. And then he had to shovel the kitchen.

Time to play with the Play-doh. He was content for a very long time.

We were unable to travel on Christmas day due to the LARGE amount of snow that we received. But we had a fun day as a family. We got in the morning and went for a walk and pulled Devin in the sled. We stopped to wish Jim; Ben's dad, a Merry Christmas and then headed to my mom's for lunch. after lunch we left right away because Devin was ready for a nap.
I hope everyone had a safe and Merry Christmas!!!
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