Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas with Grandma Phyllis

Over the weekend Grandma Phyllis came to spend some time with Devin. I don't think we could have had a weekend that was any colder than it was. It was so cold that when I went to try to start my car on Saturday morning it didn't even turn over. That sucked because I was already to go and work out. But what do you do when it is -20 and wind chills were like -40. Around lunchtime Grandma showed up, good thing her car started.
Devin had a lot of fun playing with Grandma Phyllis. They played a lot in his room and with Play-doh. Ben and I heard a lot of giggles!!
For Christmas Devin got his very own camera and he was very excited. I think in the first half hour he took about 100 photos.
Having a good time playing Play-doh with Grandma Phyllis.

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