Monday, January 18, 2010

One last Christmas

On Saturday we meet in Fairmont and had lunch at the Pizza Ranch with Diane, Pat & Robin and Family for one last Christmas. The kids did pretty good eating, but I think that is only because there were a group of bigger kids playing the games. After lunch they all had fun playing and running around. Devin had to have a turn to show off his skills, lucky dad and Alexis were around to help get the balls in the holes otherwise we would have been there all day.
After presents we all went swimming. The kids love jumping on the bed. Fun times for all.

Devin and Austin kicking water at each other. Devin had a lot of fun in the pool. He even would float on his back and try to swim on his tummy.
The whole group of us, minus Diane. Someone had to take the picture. Out of a couple of takes this is the best one.

One last photo before we all left. What a nice afternoon.

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