Tuesday, December 13, 2011


So, back in the middle of November I took Devin up to the local photo studio for our yearly Santa photo. I thought maybe this year would be better than last year. While no such luck. He was crying and kicking and just plan wanted OUT. So, I have to admit that I even tried bribing him with McDonald's or a new toy that he wanted. Nothing worked, all he said was "No, thank you."

So, on Saturday we headed over to Albert Lea to finish a little shopping and Santa was at the Harley store and sure enough Devin went right up to him and got right up on that bike.

A little Merry Christmas Santa hat that this little boy wore all over the store and really wanted. He did not get that hat (I really did not want to pay the price) but we did find one at another store (more in our price range).

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