Christmas Day, Devin woke up and came right into our room with such excitement. this was the first year that he has really gotten it and was really excited that morning. He came in saying, "Santa brought him new toys!" He has really enjoyed all of his new stuff that he has gotten for Christmas.

For lunch we headed to my Grandma's house to celebrate with her and the rest of the family. Before anyone else got there it was just us, Grandma and my uncle Tim. Devin had to climb up on his lap and show him his game and how to play it. It was really cute and special.

This year was a little hard at Christmas for many reasons. First of all I am always missing my dad and even more so at Holiday time. But this year we lost my grandpa, so it was different but special at the same time. Everyone was there for Christmas Day and that has not happen in many years. I think it meant a lot to my grandma. But to make this season even harder my best friend lost her dad a few days before Christmas. So, we have been helping her and her family out the best that we can even if it is just lending a ear or helping them get moved backed into their house.
After lunch and things were cleaned up we had a few gifted to open. Devin wanted to be Santa and help hand out the presents. He really did not have much interest in his own gifts, he wanted to watch everyone else open theirs.

Ben had Monday off, which was nice and we were able to have some family time. That night Jim came over for supper and a little Christmas gathering. After supper Devin helped grandpa open his gifts and showed him different pictures.

This may be the closest I get to a three generation photos without everyone bucking me. I have to say that I really do like this photo even thought it is not prefect and they are not looking at the camera.
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