On Sunday we headed to my mom's to celebrate Christmas. Pat and the family came over for the day. First we had a wonderful lunch that of course there was way too much food and of course we all ate too much. But then again it wouldn't be the Holidays without too much food. Devin loves to help pass out plates. As you can see he found a bowl cover to wear on his head (he likes to bye the lunch man), I think he just likes to be a little helper.

After lunch and dishes were done, we had to do a few photos in front of the Christmas tree. Devin did really well once we got him in front of the tree. I might need to add that we did have to threaten "no presents" if they didn't do this or that. We only had a couple of melt downs from each of them and I believe all 3 of them ended up in time outs at least once, but not all at the same time. Gotta love little ones when they are super excited. And we had two little boys that really could have used a nap by the end of the day.

We even got a nice one of all 3 of them with Grandma!!!

We even took a nice family photo. Well, we had to take a few to get just this one photo!!!!

Once all of the family photos were done it was finally time to open presents. And boy were they excited and no of them wanted to wait any longer. I find it funny that both Austin and Devin got an item that were different, but both only cost maybe $3 and that was the one item that they loved the most and wanted to play with. For Austin it was a Matchbox car and for Devin is was the Star Wars M&M fan in the box that is pictured below. That fan is with him everywhere even to this day.

I love how in the picture above that are so intrigued by what Alexis was opening up. Below are the new slippers that Devin got from Grandma. He even wore them to bed on Sunday night. He likes to wear them, but I think his little toes get a little too warm in them when he wears them too long.

After all of the gifts were opened. Grandma was found in one of the rooms reading Alexis' new book to the kids. I believe Alexis was first and then Devin wanted the story read to him.

Once everything was cleaned up and put away. This is what we found in the living room. Those four sitting on the couch playing Monopoly on the Ipad2.
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