Monday, December 20, 2010

Devin's 3rd Birthday

November 27th was Devin's 3rd Birthday!! Wow, the time sure does fly by fast. I can't believe he is 3 already. Sometimes I think he should still be a baby. We had a gathering at our house. We had all of the grandparents, great-grandparents, Pat, Robin and kids and even the Groe's were able to join the fun. Devin was is a great mood (which always makes for a better day) and did really well with all of the people in the house. We did a few photos with his birthday cake before everyone arrived. As you can tell we had a Spiderman theme. When we were in the Cities we let Devin pick out his theme for his party.
HE really didn't want to blow out his candles; which was a big change from last year where we had to relight them numerous times.
After a wonderful lunch and cake we started with presents. Devin had a blast opening his gifts.
He was SUPER excited about his new tools!!!!
We got him a suitcase and filled inside that suitcase was costumes. He wanted to wear his Darth Vader costume.

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