Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Cookies

This year I have been busy making a couple different batches of Christmas cookies. Devin even got to help me out out. I made one batch to take to the hospitals that I have students at for clinical and then I made some more this last Friday and Saturday. Devin at first just watched, then he just ate the peanut butter, then he needed a knife to help, then we got out the chocolate and he was done (or I should say that I was done with him helping)!!!!!
Working hard at putting peanut butter on the cracker.
What a good job!

Here is a sampling of what I did on Saturday. YUMMY!!!!!
Most of these went to work with Ben on Monday, to daycare and some went to my mom's, some went home with my brother and some went to the neighbors. I really enjoy making them, but the less I have in the house the better off I am.

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