Thursday, March 7, 2013

Everyday life

So, yes his room is a little messy, but that is an easy fix.  But the worst part is that you clean it and the next day it looks like this.  So, what to do?????
Devin is starting to enjoy solo play in his room more and more.  He will go into his room, shut the door and play.  Sometimes it is so quiet or he has been gone for a while I will go and check on him and then get told to leave. 
Lately his newest play is with Lego's.  As of right now I have allowed those in the Living room since they are small and mainly because his room needs to be cleaned before we put them in there.  But soon they are going to have to go in there because he is starting to get more and more.
 Below is a picture of my guys wearing what we call "Sully" Shirts.  We have a little neighbor boy that is coming through cancer treatment and had a Roationplasty done about 3 weeks ago and a lot of people wore either these t-shirts or a green shirt to show their support while he was having surgery.  He is one strong little boy.

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