Thursday, March 7, 2013

Morning Frost

This morning after Ben took Devin to Jumpstart I headed out to take some pictures of the frost on the trees.  It was beautiful, no the only sad part is that I am on Spring Break (meaning I want it warm).


This is going to be a LONG post, but lucky for you it is going to be mostly pictures!!!!!
We have ever little snow this year so when it comes we have to get out and play!!!
The first round was around the 22nd of February and we played and shovel and played some more.  Then most of that snow started to melt and then on March 4th we got about 7" in a 2 day period.  So, these photos are from both of these dates.
I love how the snow looks like glitter in front of Devin!!!!
 Jordan liked this round of the snow too.  She just did not want to walk into the grass to go potty.
 My hard working boy!
 We did not make it to the sliding hill here in town this year, but the hill in our backyard works just as well.  And then when Pat's kids came we went to the hill by the pool.  The sliding hill tends to be sold ice by the time we get there.

 Pat brought his snowmobile with when they came over and everyone got a ride.  Devin was unsure at first, but then did not want to get off.

 Yes, Ben is on a sled!!!

 Can you tell that he loves it!
 Having fun!!!

 I went with both Pat and Ben and I have to admit that this was my first time on a snowmobile.  It was ok, a little cold, but then again I was not dressed to go.


 The last round of snow.  Now I hope we are done because I am ready for 50 plus temps!


My nephew, Austin is involved in Wrestling.  This is a sport that I grew up with and do really enjoy watching.  I do have to say they have changed the format some over the years and it is much better now.  You do not have to sit around ALL day for the little kids.
This first images is one of a friend on mine's little guy.  He was so tired and mom and dad were watching their other son wrestling, so here he is cuddling with another friend.
 Austin has been wrestling the last few years (really since he was real little, since his dad use to wrestle).  He did really well for his age.

After the match we asked Devin what he thought.  Well, need less to say I don't think he is going to wrestle anytime soon.;

Weekend Getaway

A few weeks ago we took a little family vacation to the cities and we brought along a neighbor kid with us.  We did a hotel with a fun pool, which we had a poolside room; which was a lot of fun.  We went to the movie "Escape from Planet Earth", we did the Mall of American (rides, Legoland, a little shopping). 
The two bigger boys had fun playing.  While Devin just went back and forth between the room and the pool.

Everyday life

So, yes his room is a little messy, but that is an easy fix.  But the worst part is that you clean it and the next day it looks like this.  So, what to do?????
Devin is starting to enjoy solo play in his room more and more.  He will go into his room, shut the door and play.  Sometimes it is so quiet or he has been gone for a while I will go and check on him and then get told to leave. 
Lately his newest play is with Lego's.  As of right now I have allowed those in the Living room since they are small and mainly because his room needs to be cleaned before we put them in there.  But soon they are going to have to go in there because he is starting to get more and more.
 Below is a picture of my guys wearing what we call "Sully" Shirts.  We have a little neighbor boy that is coming through cancer treatment and had a Roationplasty done about 3 weeks ago and a lot of people wore either these t-shirts or a green shirt to show their support while he was having surgery.  He is one strong little boy.

Gymnastic Meet

At the beginning of January we went to Alexis' first gymnastic meet.  We all went and brought Chloe with us too.  I enjoyed watching all of the girls and we even got to see some Blue Earth girls that we know.  The others did not enjoy it as much, since it tends to get a little on the long side.
Here is Alexis waiting for her turn to do her beam routine.
 This is Devin bored and making faces while I was trying to take pictures.
 Here is the face I got when I told him that he needed to sit down and not run around.

Fun with the boys

At the end of December Austin came and stayed with us for a couple of days and boy did we have fun.  I had a photo shoot in Fairmont and Ben had to work, so along came the boys.  Which was fine and they had a dog, 3 cats and each other to play with.  While I was trying to work with everyone I turn around and see this!!!!
 We went and did a few outside photos and the boys played in the snow.  I believe they had the most fun, might have something to due with the fact that they had snow suits on and the rest of us did not.  Once the pictures were done, we stayed and played alittle longer.
 Since they were so good, I let them pick where we were going to eat lunch.  Of course they picked McDonald's.  We stayed and played for a while and then back to the house.
 Here is the end of the night.  Each watching their own movie and about ready to fall asleep.