Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas

I would like to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. this is the time of year to spend with your family and enjoy every minute of them. You can never redo any moment, so for this one time a year it is most important that everyone gets along and makes the most of what they have. It is not about the gifts, the amount of time that you are together, but it is about the quality of time.
Spread the Christmas cheer to everyone. And even if you can't get into the spirit of things, just take one look at a small child and see the joy and excitement that they see.

More Snow

So yesterday we got maybe another 7" of new snow. I really don't care how much we got because I think we have enough already and it sounds like more in on its way for later this week. I picked Devin up a little earlier than normal and him and I shoveled and played outside in the snow.
Ben and I found this Spiderman face mask last week in Mankato. I am so glad that he will wear it because his poor little checks got so cold last time we were outside.
This is the drift in front of our house. I really do think we have enough snow.

Monday, December 20, 2010

And Christmas has started

On Saturday we had Christmas at my mom's house. We had a fun time. We played, then went out for supper and then came home to over gifts. When we got to my mom's Austin and Alexis were already there and I thought it would be a good idea to get pictures done before we eat. Well, as you can see by the picture below, they weren't very happy with me.
So, after supper I thought I would try again. Just what, when you tell them they have to take a few pictures and then they can open presents, wow look at the difference. All smiles!
We got one of our family.
One with Grandma Diane and her three grandkids!
Pat's family!
Then it was time to open gifts. We let the kids open all of there presents before us adults even looked at ours.
Devin and Alexis wanted to help open more gifts once theirs were all opened. Austin was happy playing with his train all by himself. (I don't blame him)
Devin playing with one of his new toys on Sunday at home.

Baby it's cold outside

Devin really likes to play outside and this cold weather is making it really hard to get out. Last weekend we had a big blizzard and Devin and I didn't go anywhere. Ben had to work and there were a few issues so he got to work late on Saturday. But Sunday Devin really wanted to go out when Ben was going to blow out the driveway, so we all bundled up and headed out. It was below zero and windy so Devin and I didn't last long. Nut we at least got out.
Here is Devin and his rosy cheeks.

Man it is cold outside.

Christmas Cookies

This year I have been busy making a couple different batches of Christmas cookies. Devin even got to help me out out. I made one batch to take to the hospitals that I have students at for clinical and then I made some more this last Friday and Saturday. Devin at first just watched, then he just ate the peanut butter, then he needed a knife to help, then we got out the chocolate and he was done (or I should say that I was done with him helping)!!!!!
Working hard at putting peanut butter on the cracker.
What a good job!

Here is a sampling of what I did on Saturday. YUMMY!!!!!
Most of these went to work with Ben on Monday, to daycare and some went to my mom's, some went home with my brother and some went to the neighbors. I really enjoy making them, but the less I have in the house the better off I am.

Devin's 3rd Birthday

November 27th was Devin's 3rd Birthday!! Wow, the time sure does fly by fast. I can't believe he is 3 already. Sometimes I think he should still be a baby. We had a gathering at our house. We had all of the grandparents, great-grandparents, Pat, Robin and kids and even the Groe's were able to join the fun. Devin was is a great mood (which always makes for a better day) and did really well with all of the people in the house. We did a few photos with his birthday cake before everyone arrived. As you can tell we had a Spiderman theme. When we were in the Cities we let Devin pick out his theme for his party.
HE really didn't want to blow out his candles; which was a big change from last year where we had to relight them numerous times.
After a wonderful lunch and cake we started with presents. Devin had a blast opening his gifts.
He was SUPER excited about his new tools!!!!
We got him a suitcase and filled inside that suitcase was costumes. He wanted to wear his Darth Vader costume.