On Sunday it was HOT and HUMID. I am ready for this weather, but really wished the pool was open before we get a lot of it. Sunday morning Devin and I went for a walk and took grandma with us. We did a good two miles and I am glad we went when we did because it warmed up fast. By 11:00 Devin had the hose out and wanted to water the flowers, so Ben hooked it up and this is what happened.

He loved every minute of it. All he did was giggle and go back for more. It may have been cloudy that morning, but it was really warm. Ben and I were also wet, but not as wet as Devin.

Running away from dad!! Look at that smile. Can you tell he is having a ball.

Run Devin Run!

Then he got a hold of the hose and we really had to watch out.

Head to toe drenched. We are ready for summer.

After his nap the sun had came out and it had warmed up even more. So, I went to Wal-Mart to see if they have a sprinkler of any kind. this is what I found.

He liked it, but he likes the hose even better. You have to run with him through the water till he gets the idea. I was smart this time and at least put my swimsuit top on.

He wanted to pick it up and carry it around to spray people.

Of course the neighbor boys had to come over and enjoy some of the fun. All three of them had such a blast. We are ready for summer to start!
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