Thursday, May 27, 2010

Baby Farm Animals

Last week Devin and I went to a farm near Fairmont to see some baby animals. The family that owns the farm, the lady is one of the nursing faculty were I work. We had a good time. He was very shy and really didn't want to look or touch anything at first. It has been taking him a while to warm up to people lately. He has been wanting to be held and will curl into me when he is around people that he is unfamiliar with.
At the farm they have chickens that lay eggs (and they are good eggs), baby chickens, baby turkeys, baby and mommy & daddy goat, baby pigs, a cow, baby kitties and a dog. I tried to have him touch an egg, but that didn't work. He check-out all of the animals.
He finally did try to feed the goats, but he would drop the grain onto the ground instead of having the goat eat off his hand.
He did get to go and dump the bucket into their bowl. He liked that.
Here the baby goat was trying to eat right out of the bucket.
afterwards we checked out the sandbox and play house and then went in for a snack since it was really windy out.

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