It has been just a little over a year now. Some days are good days and others are not so good. Hopefully with time the hole will heal and the days wont be as rough.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Alexis' Preschool Graduation
On Tuesday Devin, Grandma, and I went to Jackson for Alexis' Preschool Graduation. Devin did so well, he didn't really sit still, but he was not running away or loud. They sang a bunch of songs and the they each got a graduation cap. I can't believe she will be starting school in the fall and the boys will be turning 3. WOW!
A very hot and muggy sunday
On Sunday it was HOT and HUMID. I am ready for this weather, but really wished the pool was open before we get a lot of it. Sunday morning Devin and I went for a walk and took grandma with us. We did a good two miles and I am glad we went when we did because it warmed up fast. By 11:00 Devin had the hose out and wanted to water the flowers, so Ben hooked it up and this is what happened.
Running away from dad!! Look at that smile. Can you tell he is having a ball.
After his nap the sun had came out and it had warmed up even more. So, I went to Wal-Mart to see if they have a sprinkler of any kind. this is what I found.
Dance Recital
Well it has been three years now that I have not taught dance and I really do miss it. I still do one number and help the seniors with their solos. I really enjoyed my group of girls this year, they were so much fun. The did the new theme song of "Fame" and we add tumbling and tricks beside my always hard choreography!!!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Snack and Funny Faces
This would have to be one of Devin's favorite snack. And mine too. We sat outside and had snack last week one day and he got really mad at me when I took one strawberry from his bowl.
Baby Farm Animals
Last week Devin and I went to a farm near Fairmont to see some baby animals. The family that owns the farm, the lady is one of the nursing faculty were I work. We had a good time. He was very shy and really didn't want to look or touch anything at first. It has been taking him a while to warm up to people lately. He has been wanting to be held and will curl into me when he is around people that he is unfamiliar with.
At the farm they have chickens that lay eggs (and they are good eggs), baby chickens, baby turkeys, baby and mommy & daddy goat, baby pigs, a cow, baby kitties and a dog. I tried to have him touch an egg, but that didn't work. He check-out all of the animals.
Monday, May 17, 2010
The park
Ben had taken Devin to the park and I joined them after a got my herbs planted. Devin really wanted to go for a walk and I really needed to finish what I was working on. This is how I found them. Devin likes the merry-go-round a lot. He thinks it is fun to push daddy and to go fast. He is always a little dizzy afterwards, but he loves it.
Planting flowers
Sunday afternoon it was FINALLY nice enough to plant!!!!!!! I had a good start of my flowers and really wanted to get what I had planted. So, Devin and I went out to plant. He was a good helper for the most part. He only spilled the big bag of dirt once and only tried to pull the flowers out of the container once. He would bring me what I needed and even helped me with the dirt.
Fireman's Breakfast
On Sunday was the annual Fireman's Breakfast at the fire station in Blue Earth. Devin was so excited to go and see the firetrucks. Once we were there he wasn't sure what to think at first. He was clinging to me like there was no tomorrow. Mandy and Chloe were there and already eating when we arrived and Devin sat with them so we could get our food. Of course Devin didn't touch a thing. He was too busy looking around. After we were done eating he was ready to go and catch out all of the firetrucks. Devin got to have his picture taken with Chloe and Bella!! Those three could be a handful, watch out world!!!!
The wonderful world of being outside
Now that it is starting to warm up out and not rain, we have been spending a lot of time outside. It is hard to get Devin to come inside sometimes. Like last night after his bath, I went out to roll up the car windows and he followed me. He said that he wanted to watch the cars!! So, we sat on the steps for 20-30 minutes just watching the cars. We all love the fresh spring air.
This picture is an everyday event if Devin had his way. He loves to play with the bubbles, but of course only he can blow them.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
My Favorite Little Guy
Yesterday after I picked Devin up he did not want to go in. So, since it wasn't raining and it wasn't windy I thought we could stay out for a little while. So we played bubbles and Devin got his bike out and then we both took pictures. Of course I had to get him a picture of him taking a picture of me.
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