Thursday, May 28, 2009

Grandma's Birthday

Yesterday was Grandma Diane's birthday, she turned 55!!! And Devin turned 18 months. We went over to her house for supper. I would have cooked her something or we would have gone out to eat, but I have a VERY sore back and have a really hard time moving. So, we went for supper and Devin was able to play with Grandma for awhile. Here Devin is playing with Grover (who plays music) which he use to be really scared of. But since watching his cousins play with him, now Grover is fun to dance with.
All of the grandparents better watch out because I am on a mission to have lots of photos of Devin with his grandparents before it is too late. I want to capture as many memories as I can.
Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!
On the flicker page I uploaded a movie clip of Devin dancing with Grover. He's got some really good moves. Some day I think he is going to be a dancer, but don't tell Ben!

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