Friday, January 13, 2012

Last Sunday

Last Sunday myself, my mom and Devin headed to Jackson to watch Alexis' fun meet for gymnastic. We went over a little early so that we could spend some time with my grandma. Devin took my phone and climbed up into grandma's lap and had to show her how to play a game on my phone. I just love moments like this and I am so happy that I had my camera right there so we always have that moment.

While watching Alexis I could tell that Devin was getting tired. He ended up curling up with my mom and fell asleep. After a little while (or when my mom's arm got tired) Patrick took him for the rest of the time. At first he was all curled up and then all of the sudden this is how he was sleeping.
Alexis did a pretty good tuck full jump and got some serious height for a 6 year old!!!!

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