Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Introducing Devin to the Classics

We just introduced Devin to Tom and Jerry cartoons. And he thinks they are so funny. I just love listening to him giggle.

Movie Time

the other night Devin wanted to watch a movie in his room. We told him he had to watch it by himself, so he took his cookies and glass of milk and climbed into bed. I think he only watched about 15 minutes of the movie. It is a start!!!

Winter Rally

A few weeks ago I headed off to Kansas City with a group of ladies and we had a great time checking out the new line of jewelry. It is going to be a great supplement to the big catalog, a lot of fun things to wear.

It was a long two days between driving, sitting in training, and everything else. But we had a lot of fun.

Below is a picture of 4 of us after eating supper in the Senior Leaders dining room.

Kari and I enjoy some good times and good food. And some awesome new jewels to wear!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Last Sunday

Last Sunday myself, my mom and Devin headed to Jackson to watch Alexis' fun meet for gymnastic. We went over a little early so that we could spend some time with my grandma. Devin took my phone and climbed up into grandma's lap and had to show her how to play a game on my phone. I just love moments like this and I am so happy that I had my camera right there so we always have that moment.

While watching Alexis I could tell that Devin was getting tired. He ended up curling up with my mom and fell asleep. After a little while (or when my mom's arm got tired) Patrick took him for the rest of the time. At first he was all curled up and then all of the sudden this is how he was sleeping.
Alexis did a pretty good tuck full jump and got some serious height for a 6 year old!!!!

New Camera and Bathtime fun

Just two weeks ago I got a new camera!!!! It was the one that I really wanted, but needed to really save for. I love it and have been happy with the wonderful pictures / memories it has taken. My first subject was our dog, Jordan. She really wasn't too happy to be woken up from her nap, oh wait that is what she does all day!!!

Then later after I got Devin from daycare we played around with it. We had to do some self portraits.
I also got a few new pairs of sunglasses and Devin thought it was fun to try them on. It was his idea to take pictures while doing it. So, we each put them on and took a picture. That is one way to see if you like how they look.

Bathtime fun!!!! Lately Devin has been really enjoying bathtime again. If we don't watch the time he will stay in there for 30 minutes or more.

I found these fun bath tub colors. Devin likes to draw on the tub with them and they just wipe right off.

Tic Tock

So, this summer we took Devin to see Spy Kids 4 in the movie theater. He enjoyed it, but really didn't give it much thought for a while. Recently Ben has been uploading movies onto a device that he has hooked up to our TV and Spy Kids 4 has been one of those movies. This movie is a daily request and in some cases a daily watch. The other day Devin found a bag and asked his dad to cut out eyes so that he could be Tic Tock from the movie.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

One last Christmas

Over the weekend we headed to Rochester to celebrate Christmas one last time for this year. We went to see Ben's mom and spend some time with her. We all had a really good time. Devin got some grandma time and we even got a little shopping time. OK, well I did some shopping!!!! I even found a few REALLY good deals in the process.

Devin really likes to be a helper, well at least when it suits him. He likes to pass out presents. he is starting to recognize the first letter of all of our names. He is getting to be such a big boy and pretty smart.

He was really excited for his new bed spread.

Devin is one little spoiled boy or just one lucky boy. He has been blessed with a lot of people that love him in his life and like to spoil him too much.