Friday, August 20, 2010


On our way home from Brainerd, we went shopping at Albertville and the Mall of America. Let me say that shopping with a 5 years and a 2 1/2 year old when you need things is not the thing to do. They were good, it was just hard to look for myself and keep an eye on Devin. (Mister into everything!!!!)
At the Mall of America we had to check out the Dinos made with Legos. What a hit with both of them.
They both also got to make a Bear at the Build a Bear Factory. They made one for Austin, too. Devin tought it was pretty cool to push the petal and stuff the bear. He enjoying giving it an air shower and brushing it's hair. Thanks to Grandma they all got new bears. Devin found a motorcycle that he liked and thought the bear needed to ride (and himself too)! I got him that and he loves it.

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