Saturday, November 28, 2009

Our little guy turns 2!!!

On Friday was Devin's 2nd birthday. Wow, the time has really gone by fast. It seems like yesterday we were celebrating his 1st birthday and now he is 2. We wanted to do something on his birthday, so we had a little get together with our friends. We have a great group of friends and some wonderful kids. We had pizza and cake and a lot of laughs.
It was so much fun watching Devin open his presents this year. He was so animated in his surprise of what the gift was. Just take a good look at his face in this photo.

I wasn't too sure how blowing out the candles would go. The first time not so well, but I lit them again and he blow them out all by himself. I think I lit his birthday candles a half dozen of times or more. The kids had a great time blowing out the candles.
Group effort!

What a great day we had. Happy 2nd Birthday Devin!! We love you

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