What a beautiful afternoon the day turned out to be. After Friday being really cold, I didn't think it would be nice enough to be able to walk around. We went trick-or-treating with our neighbors. They have a 4year old daughter and a son that is only a couple of months younger than Devin.
Devin was a tiger for Halloween and once in awhile we would get him to roar when he went up to a house. He had a lot of fun trick-or-treating. He did really good going up to the houses, he always wanted to ring the door bell, and I think I might of even heard thank you from him once or maybe twice.
After trick-or-treating was done, we dropped Devin off at my mom's for a few hours and we headed uptown. Red Lipstick was playing at Hamilton's, so there was good music and good friends. A nice way to end the night. It was fun checking out all of the costumes. There were a few that I had no idea who was wearing the costume.
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