What a beautiful afternoon the day turned out to be. After Friday being really cold, I didn't think it would be nice enough to be able to walk around. We went trick-or-treating with our neighbors. They have a 4year old daughter and a son that is only a couple of months younger than Devin.
Devin was a tiger for Halloween and once in awhile we would get him to roar when he went up to a house. He had a lot of fun trick-or-treating. He did really good going up to the houses, he always wanted to ring the door bell, and I think I might of even heard thank you from him once or maybe twice.

I love the tail in the back!

This is when we stopped at Mandy and Sean's house and he knew where he was. As soon as he saw the house he started running to the front step, but stopped as soon as he saw Mandy.

Devin was not sure of Mandy. You could tell that he knew the voice, but it just didn't look like her.

When we were almost done we took a quick (and I mine quick) photo of the kids on my mom's front step.

Devin and I at our last stop for the night.

After trick-or-treating was done, we dropped Devin off at my mom's for a few hours and we headed uptown. Red Lipstick was playing at Hamilton's, so there was good music and good friends. A nice way to end the night. It was fun checking out all of the costumes. There were a few that I had no idea who was wearing the costume.