Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cleaning outside

On Sunday my mom, myself and Devin did some work outside. We started cleaning out the plants in the front of our house to get ready for fall/winter. We spent a few hours thinning out my plants and sharing them with a friend. I also had a new plant that I needed to get in the ground. And as you can see Devin wanted to help dig the hole.
My mom let him dig a little and then dump the dirt in a container. Then we found him a container to fill with rocks to play with.
He took my gloves off and wanted them on his hands so that he could help.
Here Devin is cleaning out the old, dead part of the plant. I think he did more then the dead part.

In the end the front looks good. I wish fall/winter didn't have to come around. Because it looks really bare without any flowers around. I do still have 3 mum plants and one big plant left. Now I am putting pumpkins out front so that there is something.


On Saturday we went to a wedding. Devin was so good during the whole service!!! Just got restless right at the end. Then he wanted to play and crawl around on the floor. He didn't get too loud, but it is not hard to hear them if he starts giggling.
Since we all looked so cute, we had to get a family photo!
You will never guess what he got at the end of the wedding. If you guess bubbles then you are right!! As much as he tried they just never got opened. I have no idea why. Oh, wait yes I do, they are messy when you let a toddler play with them. And when you are at a wedding, a messy toddler is no fun.
He made his own fun while we were waiting for the bride and groom. Since the bride and groom weren't thinking all Devin had for supper was chocolate. Well, they didn't know that he loves chocolate, so I guess I can't blame the. We tried to hide the candy, but it just didn't work. He would move to different chairs and find it in front of someone and work his way toward it.

Playing in Jordan's kennel

The other day Devin came downstairs to help me go and get Jordan from her kennel. He opened the door and out she ran and in he went.
He thought this is the funniest this. Now every time he goes downstairs with us he wants to get in her kennel. They always say that boxes are the best toy for children. I guess a kennel would be no different.

What a ham!!!

What a little ham Devin has become!!!! He has got quite the personality. He can be a big goof ball. The other day he was running around with my sunglasses on. Then I would say stop so that I can get a picture and then he would pose.


Since about the middle of August a couple of us girls have decided to start canning. As of now we have done pickles, salsa, pasta sauce, chili base, green beans. I did some strawberries back around the beginning of July. And we would really like to start working on apples. We have had a great time doing this. There has been a few late nights, but we are starting to get this down to a science.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Apple Orchard

Sunday afternoon a couple of us mom's decided to take out kids to Center Creek Apple Orchard. What a great time. There is so much stuff for the kids to do. I can't believe how tall Devin has gotten.
We played in the corn sandbox, in little houses, on playground equipment, pet goats, went on a hay ride and on a ride in barrels.
What acute smile he has.
Afterwards we headed into Fairmont for some supper and a trip to the park. We also had to test the water. Devin didn't want anything to do with the water. If think he was just tired it was after 8pm by this time. All in all we had a great time.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Busy last few weeks

It has been a very busy last few weeks around our house. Devin is talking more and more everyday and each day we can understand a new word that comes out of Devin's mouth. He is starting to say people's names and know where they live. He really likes the neighbor boys and will point at their house and say "Sully" over and over.
As for myself I have started a new job. I am a Clinical Instructor for the Radiologic Technology program at Presentation College. So, far I am really enjoying it; except for a couple of things but those will hopefully go away soon. Besides starting a new job, a couple of friends and myself have decided to can vegetables this fall. We have been busy canning green beans, salsa, and pickles. It really is a lot of fun when we get together and it feels good to know that we will have good and healthy food this winter to eat.
Last week Devin and I were going to the park and decided to ask the neighbors to join us. It was 4 adults and 6 kids (2 -under 2; 3 - 4 yr olds; and a 9 yr old) We had a good time.
This is a our new neighbor Marcus. He is only 2 months younger than Devin. They play really well together.
I love this picture. He is watching the big kids play on the big equipment and you can see that he is wishing that he was bigger.
After we were done at the park we all had home-made ice cream!

Puddle Fun

Ever little boy should play in a water puddle after it has rained!!!!!

Swimming Pool

So it is now the end of summer. We had a lot of fun this year at the swimming pool. It was a slow start getting use to the pool, the loud noises, and all of the people. But at the end Devin really enjoyed the pool.
The last month he start actually playing under the water toys. He liked to stand under this one and let it hit his back.
Working on his swimming!!!!