So far this summer we have not been to the pool that much. Mainly because it has been to cold or rainy, but we are starting to get there now that it is warming up. The first few times Devin would cry and cling to me or Ben. It would take him awhile to warm up to the pool. But now, he loves the water. He likes to walk around in the water and stop and squat down so that his shoulders are under the water.

Some times he slips and goes under the water. But he doesn't cry about it and doesn't seem scared. Just not too sure what happen (surprised).

We have been working on having him float on his back and kick in the water. Doesn't really care to float on his back, but will do it for a minute sometimes. We are hoping to do swimming lesson at the end of the month with him. They have a toddler class at the pool. We will see how that will go.

Devin enjoys it when daddy plays with him. Either he is throwing him in the air or catching him as he jumps off the edge. we also have a fun time at the pool when we go.
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