On Friday night we went out to the Green Giant park to enjoy a great night with friends. They had music, dancing and games. It was nice to just relax and have fun. There were a lot of kids running around; which was great. Devin was very content just sitting and watching everyone. He is my little people watcher!!

Devin is afraid of the Green Giant and will start to freak out whenever we get close to him. In this photo he wants to go back where Ben is and that is not by the Green Giant. Before the end of the night he was getting use to the Green Giant and his size.

Around 9:30 we went over to the high school parking lot to watch the fireworks. Devin and Leah Becker had fun throwing their glow sticks and running after them. This was one of the ways that they stayed busy till the fireworks started.

This is how Devin sat for the fireworks. He would just sit there very content watching them.

Devin almost made it through all of the fireworks. He fell asleep and stayed asleep, even through the loud finally.

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