What a beautiful day yesterday was. we went to the Como Zoo with my brother's family. we all had a great time and only a few meltdowns. The kids loved the animals. It was so much fun watching Devin's face light up as he has the animals. we are working on their names, but to him all of the animals are "puppy."
This photo was right before his major meltdown. He wanted everything that he couldn't have. It was pass lunch time and going onto naptime. But it was short-lived and we were onto the next animal.
Devin is at such a fun age where everything is new. He is seeing things for the first time and it is really exciting to watch him explore.
When we got home last night (which we had been gone for 12 hours) Devin was so excited to see Jordan. He just wanted to carry her around everywhere he went. he just kept saying puppy, puppy over and over. It wasn't until 10:00 that he finally settled down to go to sleep. But he slept good, so that is a bonus.