Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Day

Once we got home from our friend's house we let Devin open a couple of presents.  And then We finished in the morning with the rest and Santa presents.
 I think the new headphones are a big hit!!!!!
 I love having the Christmas tree lights on.  It is so simple and pretty.
 He was so animated this year with everything that he opened.  Even clothes got a good response!!!!
 On Christmas Day we headed to Jackson to spend the day with my Grandma and the rest of my mom's family.  The roads were a little snow covered so mom hitched a ride with us.  Devin even taught Brandon how to play a game on his Nabi.

 The boys telling Great-Grandma thank you for their gifts.
 All 3 Great-Grandkids.
 Then when we got home Ben's dad came over.  We had a nice time chatting with him and exchanging gifts.

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