Saturday, April 6, 2013

Random Post

Here are just random photos from my phone over the last few months!!!
Mandy and I went on a very thick, slushy snowy Monday to go and pick up 2 pigs for the Benefit.  I am a City girl that is all I have to say about that!!!!
 While we were setting up for the Benefit, this is what I found, Ben and Sully just sitting around talking.
 No we really do more than goof off at dance class!!!!
 Ready to work out!!!  Wish is was outside, but I guess the gym will do.
 We went Bowling a couple of times this winter. A nice way to break up the cold weekends a bit.
 Devin getting his "Burn" in at the gym.
 Last month Devin was able to go with a friend to Disney on Ice.  They rode the bus and had a great time.
 St. Patrick's Day.  Yes, he was happy to have green hair, just did not want me to take his picture.  I think he is sick of a camera in his face all of the time.
 Enjoying the first real day of Spring last weekend.  Devin was a little under the weather and thought some fresh air might help.
 Austin and I at his wrestling meet in Blue Earth.
 Me and my husband!!!!!!!

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