Alexis just turned 7 years old, so we were invited to her birthday party. She wanted to go roller skating. So we meet them and went for pizza and then hit the roller skating rank. Below the image is a little blurry but the kids really like playing the candy machine.

Devin was not too sure about this whole roller skating thing at first. But he got the idea after a while.

He even went without hanging on to hands after a while. He got a little tired and took his skates off, but still came into the rink. He would run while I skated and he thought it was a blast.

Alexis did bring a friend with her. But he little brother had to be right there too!!!!

Austin really liked the whole roller skating event. He only left the rink a few times. He would just go up and down the center area on his own.

this was during one of the games. Can you tell that we were starting to get tired.

Of course no birthday party is complete without cake!!!
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