Monday, February 14, 2011

Alexis' Golden Birthday

This year Alexis turned 6 years old on the 6th of this month. We met them at Pizza Ranch in Fairmont for lunch and then headed to the Bowling alley there. It was a very nice afternoon. Devin was very excited about bowling, but didn't want any help. Which can be a problem when he is not strong enough to get the ball all the way down the alley, well he can but it takes a really long time for it to get there.
Daddy helping Devin out.
The birthday girl!!!
Devin was all about wanting to help Alexis open up the present that he picked out for her.
All three of them at the end. We had a great time, but I really don't think this is something we will do that often at least not till he is a little older.

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