Friday, January 14, 2011


We had a very nice Christmas this year like we do every year. On Christmas Eve we all went to Church and then came home and just had family time. We did a few photos in front of our tree before we left for church.
Our family and Jordan even made it into the picture!
Christmas morning was spent at home. Devin had a great time opening his gifts. This one he had to bring everywhere with him for a couple of days.
I love the look on his face in this picture. He just got done opening a remote control John Deere Tractor from Santa. That is what he asked for!
We went to Jackson for lunch and after lunch Devin wanted to help with the dishes.
The next day we went to Rochester to spend the day with Ben's mom and have our own Christmas celebration there. We all had so much fun at Chucky E Cheese. I think Devin would have played all day if we would have let him.
Devin was really into presents this year.
It was a very nice Christmas all around. But I am happy that the holidays are all over and life can get back to normal.

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