A few weeks ago Pat and Robin and the kids came to Blue Earth to visit and play. After lunch we headed to the park even with dark clouds in the sky. The kids were excited to play.

All of them had to try the monkey bars. Thanks to Pat's help they all made it across. Austin first and all smiles.

Then Alexis!

And not to be out done, Devin had to show his skills.

With a few cracks of thunder and a little lighten we all head home in hopes to bet the rain. We got a little wet, but we just barely missed the big down pour. After the rain we went out to play in the puddles.

Alexis came to join us in the water. Rain puddles are so much fun too jump in.

It rained a little more that day and later that night we went to play again. He Devin is getting ready to jump high.

Look at all of that air!!!!!

Summer rains are so much fun for little boys and little girls and some times for mommy and daddy's.
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