Monday, April 12, 2010

Visit with Grandma

This last weekend we headed over to Rochester to go and visit grandma. What a great time we all had. On Saturday we walked to the park and did a little shopping. Devin spent some time with grandma blowing bubbles while Ben and I went to Best Buy and Hobby Lobby. After lunch and a little more shopping on Sunday we went to the park to see the ducks, or quacks as Devin calls them. He was not afraid of them at all. He would walk right up to them and follow them all over. It was pretty cute.
We went and sat by the water for a little while and Devin would put his fingers in the water and then try to get you wet. He was having fun trying to get grandma just like she was trying to get him. There were a lot of giggles.
Devin and grandma checking out the water. I love this picture of the two of them. It turned out great, even though I wanted them to be looking at me. But it ended up being the sweetest memory caught by the camera.

One tried little boy from shopping with grandma all day!

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