Thursday, June 11, 2009

Trip to Jackson to watch a t-ball game

Last night Devin, my mom, and I went to Jackson to watch Alexis play in her second t-ball game. She did a pretty good job. She was able to hit the ball and even got it a couple of times after someone hit it. Here she is with her daddy (my brother Patrick) and I have to say that I love her pink glove.
Way to go!!! Look at that form.
Before the game we got to the park a little early so that the kids could play. Devin loved playing with EVERYTHING. He was up and down on everything.
He got very brave with the moving bridge. At first he was not too sure about it. But before we were all done he would walk across it all by himself.
The boys found a fun box to play with. Austin really liked Devin's hat and kept trying to take it. He would walk around putting it on his head and then taking it off and the repeating it over and over. They can be so funny some times.
After we were all done and got by to my grandparent's house. Grandpa Charlie called Devin over and he went right over there and sat on his lap. This is big for the great-grandkids. Devin kind-of liked his great-grandpa last night.

One last photo of Devin on the way home. He was so tired, but did not want to give in. I love how big his eyes are in this photo. He dug out his hat from the bag and put it on himself, even though it is inside out, he still looks cute.

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