Thursday, July 31, 2008
Trip to Fairmont
Yesterday, Deivn, Kayla, Haley, and I went to Fairmont for the day. We had a lot of fun. The girls were models for me so that I could get some pictures to do some photo editing on. I got a lot of really great shots of the girls and a few of Devin also. They were such good sports. By the end it was all fun and games. The main reason for the trip was to take some pictures so that I can get a feel for this photo editting software that I am trying. It has a lot of cool effects, but I have no idea how to use them yet. I am trying to figure it all out.

Of course Devin had to get his share of the fun!!!!
Kayla and Haley - two great friends and two fun girls to have around. They were such a help with Devin. They would put him in his carseat and take him out. They would entertain him while one was getting their picture taken and vise versa. After running around to a couple of parks we decided to go to the pool in Fairmont for a couple of hours
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tonight we went to the fair again and watched Red Lipstick for a little while. We lasted about an hour and then it started to rain and Devin started to get fussy. He really liked it when the girls came to play with him. It was a nice relief, otherwise we would have had to leave a lot earlier than we did. Devin really likes Kayla and her friends!!!!
Devin really liked the music. He also loved it when we were dancing. I got a lot of smiles and laughs as we danced around to the music.
Devin really liked the music. He also loved it when we were dancing. I got a lot of smiles and laughs as we danced around to the music.
Baby Crawl
Last night Devin, my mom, and I went to the fair. Wow, it has changed a lot over the years. There was barely anything there. The midway was small with only a few ride. Not even a merry-go-round for Devin. After walking through the buildings we ate. After that I entered Devin into a baby crawl contest. There were three heats of three. He was in the three heat. He won that one, but only because a little girl got disqualified for walking. Then it was between Devin and another little boy and neither of them wanted to move. But once Devin got going he was off. Onto the finals. He was at a good start toward the finish line when the announcer started talking, so he stop to see what the noise was. In the end he got 2nd place!!!!
The final round

After the baby crawl we went to see the animals. He wasn't to sure about the animals. He would look at them, but not touch them. It was a long night, but we had a good time. Devin didn't get to bed until after 9 and is still sleeping right now (7:45am)!!!!!!!!
After the baby crawl we went to see the animals. He wasn't to sure about the animals. He would look at them, but not touch them. It was a long night, but we had a good time. Devin didn't get to bed until after 9 and is still sleeping right now (7:45am)!!!!!!!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
On Sunday we a had some family time at the swimming pool. It was hot and humid and I couldn't think of a better way to spend the day or at least an hour or so. Devin is becoming a little water baby!!!! He is starting to crawl around the edge of the baby pool.
Little Bears Fan
On Friday Devin and I had to go to Bevcomm to do some paper work, so we thought it would be fun to wear our new Bears jersey.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Blue Eyes
On our road home from Brainerd I sat in the backseat with Devi n the last half of the way. After our stop he wsa wide awake and his eyes were so blue that I couldn't help but capture the moment! I can't believe how blue his eyes are at time. Then there are times that they are almost grey. I love to look at them and Devin likes it too. B ecause he is always smiling when whenever I look into those beautiful blue eyes.

Always playing!!
Always playing!!
Our Trip to Brainerd
On Saturday we made a trip to Brainerd for a wedding. Ben's cousine Kevin got married. So, we decided to make the trip. We left Blue Earth Saturday morning around 8 o'clock and started our travels. Devin fell a sleep pretty fast and slept almost to 1 1/2 hours. Which was nice for us. But after that he needed a little company in the backseat with him. We stopped in St. Cloud to eat lunch. We have been trying new foods with Devin here and there. Today I tried part of a grilled cheese sandwich, which he loved it. He was able to hold onto it himself and did an okay job eating it. When we finally got to Brainerd, Devin and I went to my Uncle Jerry's house for a little while before we had to get ready. There was so much to do there and people to play with. And I can't forget about the dog. Devin got ahold of some of her hair and the dog took off and started to pull Devin with her.

Here Devin is playing with my cousin Katy. This was the first time that she has met him.
After the wedding we went to the Timbermist for the reception. We sat with another couple and their two kids. Ben's Aunt Cindy introduced us to them and we then found out that they are the couple that Cindy takes care of their kids. It was a nice reception and Devin had lots of fun, even without a well needed nap. Ben and I were able to eat our Dinner because his Uncle Rick offered to take Devin for us. They had a good time.
He didn't want to share his toys.
Anything he can get his hands on goes right to his mouth.
At this point he was starting to get tried. Meaning it was time to go. This was the first time Devin has slept overnight anywhere, but at home. He did really well.
Friday was one busy day
Now that Devin and I are home together three days a week, we have been very busy. We go on an average of 2-3 walks a day and we try to get to the pool when it is nice outside.

As you can see he is into everything. Nothing is safe anymore. I took the picture after catching him playing with the picture frames on my glass shelves.

Outside playing in our car.

He thought it was fun to try to stand in the car. Which of course I was saying NO-NO. He also likes to touch the grass when he is the car or the walker, but as soon as you put him on the grass he doesn't like it. He is one funny boy.
After his afternoon nap we went to the pool. He had so much fun this time. He was crawling at the edge of the pool and didn't mind when water got splashed in his face.

Kayla and Haley were even there to play with. He liked playing with Kohl also. Then again any kid that will talk to him, he likes to smile at.

After a long and busy day we all went to the Blue Earth Fireworks. They didn't start until around 10 o'clock. Once we got out to the school, where we like to wactch the fireworks, to the east of us was a nice light display going on already. It was lightening out, but we were lucky, whatever strom there was passed right over us. As Ben and I sat and watched the fireworks, Devin was sound a sleep in the backseat of the car. The fireworks themselves were okay.
As you can see he is into everything. Nothing is safe anymore. I took the picture after catching him playing with the picture frames on my glass shelves.
Outside playing in our car.
He thought it was fun to try to stand in the car. Which of course I was saying NO-NO. He also likes to touch the grass when he is the car or the walker, but as soon as you put him on the grass he doesn't like it. He is one funny boy.
After his afternoon nap we went to the pool. He had so much fun this time. He was crawling at the edge of the pool and didn't mind when water got splashed in his face.
Kayla and Haley were even there to play with. He liked playing with Kohl also. Then again any kid that will talk to him, he likes to smile at.
After a long and busy day we all went to the Blue Earth Fireworks. They didn't start until around 10 o'clock. Once we got out to the school, where we like to wactch the fireworks, to the east of us was a nice light display going on already. It was lightening out, but we were lucky, whatever strom there was passed right over us. As Ben and I sat and watched the fireworks, Devin was sound a sleep in the backseat of the car. The fireworks themselves were okay.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Devin Crawling
Here is a video of Devin crawling. He is really getting around. He does do a little better then this, but it was late. He was excited I had just got home from working and he got a second wind when I walked into the door. I thought it was so cute that I had to capture the moment!!!!
Devin is 7 months old
Getting Started

Some of you have been going to babiesonline to see how Devin is doing. I am going to try to keep that page up for a little while longer, but then I am going to use this page for our family. This picture of Devin was taken almost a month ago by one of my friends. She is just getting started and wanted to practice on a baby.
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