Sunday, January 26, 2014

Youth Basketball camp

This winter we have signed Devin up for a few different activities.  He has been doing Wrestling every Tuesday afterschool since the beginning of December.  And then for 3 Saturdays in January he has had Basketball camp.  There are a handful of adults helping along with some of the high school players both boys and girls!!!  I think it is great the older kids are there to help.
Last week Devin and the rest got to do some drills during the half-time of the boys basketball game.
 Here are some pictures from his last practice.
 This is one of the coaches and his Kindergarten teacher.

 I love how they all sit there and listen.  The one talking is one of the teachers and the Varsity Boys Basketball Coach.

 At the end they were watching the older ones play around.
 This is what they were watching!!!!  So much fun for them!!!

Yellow Belt!!!!

On Saturday Morning Devin had testing to go from his White Belt to his Yellow Belt.  He has been working really hard at home making sure that he was ready and he did a great job.
 They had a pattern that they had to learn and then do for the instructor.

 The also work on Self-Defense skills.

 They also did some sparing and then lastly they break a board.  This one was thicker than the one that he got to do on his birthday.

 Receiving his yellow belt.

 I am so proud of him!!!!!  We now have 2 yellow belts in our house.  Ben did his testing on Friday night!!!!

Home again

Friday was the end of the Quarter and there was no school.  Devin was schedule to go to Be A Kid for the day so that I could go into work for a little bit, but he was not feeling the best so we both stayed home.  Which meant relaxing on the couch and watching a few movies.
 He even got out all of his tractor and had some quite play with them.

Winter Weather

This last week has had some very bipolar weather.  On Wednesday the first picture was from my drive home from Mankato.  We had gotten some fresh light fluffy snow the night before and that next day brought on winds.  All I have to say is that I am glad that my roads were clear.
 This photo was taken the next morning when the temps went below zero (again).  Those Sundogs are pretty, but I am so ready for this winter to be over.  As I am writing this we are under another blizzard warning and wind chill warning.  We hare to have blizzard condition today and then tomorrow morning the wind chill is to be 40 degrees below zero.  Like I said before I AM READY FOR WINTER TO BE OVER.

Photo Shoot Time

I have a few indoor backdrops, but doing indoor photos are not always my favorite.  I love being outside and using all of that natural light and getting wonderful photos.  But when you live in Minnesota that is not the option when it is below zero out.  Devin helped me set and then wanted a few photos taken. 
 I did photos of this adorable 6 month old.  She belongs to a friend of ours.

 He was being silly and playing around with some of my fabric that I have for photo shoots.  What a silly boy.

Another day at home

 We had another snow day and I also was called off, so Devin and I were home again.  This time we thought we would work on cleaning his room.  Well, we clean together for a little bit, but then he found something better to do and left me to the dirty work by myself..

YEAH New Jewelry

I have now been selling Premier Design Jewelry for about 4 years and do love it.  A couple of weeks ago I headed to the Cities for the new line.  It was so much fun to see the new jewelry and a lot of the friends I have made while doing this job.

Christmas Break

This year I kept Devin home most of Christmas break minus 2 days that he went to Be A Kid so that I could get some class prep work done.  We had a lot of lounging around and relaxing while he was home.  We played games, watched movies, did school work and art projects.  The best part was just being home and enjoying it.  It has been so cold this winter and really hard to go out and play in the snow so if it does warm up we try to get out for a few minutes.
Devin got a few new legos for Christmas so worked hard to put them together by himself.  And Jordan just likes to relax and lay around all day!!!!
 This is how he played a video game downstairs one of the days.  Wrapped under a blanket to stay warm.  Because we are to cool to put a top on!!
 One of the nicer days.  A little backyard snow play time.
 A beautiful sunset on a very cold day.
 Fresh snow!!!  How beautiful, now it can be Spring.
 Working hard trying to get the driveway clean before dad gets home.  It did not last long.
 Sometimes you are just so tired that you will fall asleep anywhere.
 Playing a game of memory on the computer.
 Working on writing his sentences.  He did these all by himself without anyone telling him what to write.
 We played a lot of games over break.
 On January 7th the Governor of Minnesota called off schools in the whole state because the wind chill was going to be 40-50 degrees below zero.  So, what did Devin and I do, we went out for lunch.  Yes it was freezing, but I needed to warm the car up and thought it was best to take it for a little drive.