Thursday, October 25, 2012

Recent Photography

I have been really busy this late summer and all fall.  I truly do enjoy taking pictures and it is a lot of fun spending time with the families and the seniors.

 This young lady holds a very special place in my heart but even more important a place in my son's heart.  He really does love her!!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkin craving

This afternoon we thought it was such a nice day and Devin REALLY wanted to crave the pumpkin, so we did.  Normally Devin does not like to touch the inside of the pumpkin, but this year HE DID!!!!!!  He did most of the work empting it out.  We also saved the seeds to bake them.  I have never done it before and I have to say they turned out really good.  Of course I will be the only one that will eat them, but oh well.  Jim stopped over to say Hi, and taste tested them for me and they passed!!!

A beautiful Sunday

After spending the morning either, grading, cleaning, and doing laundry.  By the time afternoon rolled around and we left the house for the first time to wash the car and truck.  We headed to the trail for a nice family walk.

Ready for Halloween

Devin and I did a little shopping yesterday and hit up Wal-Mart's Halloween section.  I think Devin has my love for Halloween!!!!!!!!!!

Everyday Play

Seeing Devin play Super Hero happens every week.  He enjoys dressing up and playing.  He is also know to go outside in his costumes to play. 
 Here Devin is running to see me.  The two boys had been at the park while I was out on a photo shoot with a senior and Devin was super excited to see me!!!!  This late summer and early fall I have been busy doing a lot of photo shoot with Seniors, families, and individual children.  I really do love doing this.  The hard and time consuming part is the photo editting, but I am getting it done for everyone in a timely matter.  I have to find that balance between work and fun!!!!  Later I will get around to adding some photos of my work.
 Love the face!!!!!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


After farming and lunch we went and visited with Pat, Robin and the kids.  They have busy working on their house.  I took the kids down the hill to play for a little bit and get out of the way.


I had called my grandma to see how farming was going and when the best time for us to come was.  So, we planned a day and that morning I got an early phone to say come now because Tim was going to be done early that day.  So, we all got up and ready and out the door we went.  This year Ben and Devin rode in the tractor with Tim.  They were out for a nice long ride.