A few weeks ago we headed to the Cities for a little get away. We went to the Children's Museum and then to the MOA. After a little shopping we headed to our hotel. We stayed at the MOA of America Waterpark Hotel. We enjoyed the waterpark that evening and then again in the morning. We also went to see Journey 2 in an IMAX theater before we headed home.
Below Ben and Devin put together a car and then Devin pretended that he was driving the car.

Devin really liked this area. It was full of different shops and offices. Enjoyed the doctor's office and the Post Office. We did spend a lot of time at the restaurant play area. He enjoyed serving food and drinks to people that were sitting at the tables.
Off to delivery mail!!!

He waited nicely for his turn to play operation. He thought this was super cool.

It was a long 2 days, but we had a lot of fun and some nice family time away from home. We were on the go, but still rested.