Just to start off this is going to be a long post, but mostly pictures of our vacation. We started off last Sunday and Devin got to experience his first plane ride. His reaction to it was as we were going up, "this is way cool!!!" For a three year old he did a great job on the plane. The longest leg of our trip was from Chicago to California and the same when returning, it was a four hour flight then. Luckily he did nap both times!

When we got to California we got to our room and then headed out for a little while. That night was the only time that it misted/rain while we were there. When we returned we had treats waiting for us.

That next morning we headed down to our hotel's lobby. We got to have breakfast with a few different characters. This is one of Devin's favorites, Stitch. He wasn't too sure about the characters. It was OK if we held him, but as for going up to them on his own that was not happening.

The entrance into Disneyland!!!

Family photo!! They had photographers all over the place and they would takes pictures of you and your family and they even would do it with your camera.

This ride would be the one that Devin refers to as the "shot aliens" ride. He really liked to shot the aliens.

They also had a Jedi training session while we were there. Devin got to watch and even see Darth Vader.

Riding the horses was always a big hit.

Mickey Mouse!!!

This was at California Adventures and no we did not go on it. I asked Devin and he informed me NO.

Riding the fish.

Trying on hats. This one was a big hit.

The tea cups!!!!!!!!!!!

He loved them!!!

Getting ready for the ride to start.

Donald Duck


Sully from Monsters Inc. When we first saw him they informed us that he wasn't taking anymore photos, but would be back in 30 minutes. So we stayed in that same area and waited for 40 minutes and then we were first in line to get our picture taken with him. Devin watches this movie over and over everyday.

Of course mom wanted to get a photo with one of her favorite characters so we found Tinkerbell.

Devin enjoyed this ride also. He was able to drive the car, well with a little help from either mom or dad.

Sitting in Goofy's car in Toontown.

We went to ESPN just for dad. The two boys played a bunch of games, well I played a few too.

Then for supper we headed downstairs and ate at a table with a touch screen TV on it and a huge screen on the wall. Dad was in heaven.

To finish out our trip we had breakfast with goofy before we headed to the airport. Devin was able to have pancakes, pizza, and strawberries for breakfast. He was so excited about that.

Our picture with Dale.