Wow, it has been crazy at our house lately, or maybe it is just me. With the new school year starting back up meant that I had a more normal schedule. which seemed even busier than normal. Life at work for has been good, I finally feel like a teacher this year, but I have more classes that I teach along with having to drive between Mankato and Fairmont. Oh, well I get use to it after the first month. I decided to take on another part time job. I am selling Premier Design Jewelry. Have been to a few parties and have had one myself and I really like the jewelry, so why not! It is a why to bring a little fun money for myself. The only bad thing is that end of August beginning of September is not the best time for me to start something new. Only bad thing is that I have been really busy and not home a lot. That is not just because of selling jewelry, but because of my full time job. Last weekend I was gone to an MSRT Conference in the cities. We (3 senior students and myself) had a good time, but we were all ready to get home. We made it home late Saturday afternoon before any of the roads were closed due to the flooding.
Here is a photo of my set-up for my jewelry shows. Looks like fun doesn't it!!!

Over Labor Day weekend, we went to Mankato for the day and stopped at the Falls and walked around and took pictures.

Devin really liked this spot!

Devin would rather drive his gator than ride his bike, but he is getting the whole peddling thing down.

Towards the end of September a bunch of us girls went to the Twins game. We were able to fly, and yes that is me riding shotgun on the way up to the cities.

We had great seats. They were in the Legends Club and right behind home plate. The weather was perfect and the company was good. Couldn't get any better.

On Friday this month Ben and I along with another couple went to the cities for the day. Melissa and I went and checked out Scrapfest at the Mall of America while the boys just wondered around. Mandy picked Devin up for us and I met them at the football game. He really liked the football game and even has been asking to go again.