Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Devin's newest tricks

Devin newest thing is to put on hats and other clothing. He tries to get shirts, gloves, etc on,but is not able to get them on completely. But hats he is able to put on. For the longest time he hated having hats on his head. We couldn't get him to wear one at all this summer and his winter hat is still sometimes a struggle. But Ben's hats are so much fun to put on and run around the house laughing.
Devin is our little monkey. He has been exploring his motor development by climbing and standing on everything. The other night he pulled out his dresser drawers and climbed up on them. He always has a goal in mind, such as pulling things out of his dresser. He also tries to climb on his toys. One of these someone is going to fall and not be a happy camper, but I guess that is how he is going to learn. It is cute to see him doing this, but we try not to give him that kind of attention and hope that he will learn not to climb on his toys.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Well the time has come for me to get back into the swing of thing. Classes started today for me and boy I already hate it. There is a lot of work to be done before May and not a lot of instructions. The joys of having class over the internet.

Over Christmas break I of course did not get half of what I wanted done. But I tried to scrapbook when I had some free time. Here are a few of my favorite pages.
This is one of my all time favorites.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Boys and their toys

Devin got a remote control car for christmas from Kayla. And once I showed him the button to push, he is a pro at running the car. When he wants to play with it, he will carry it over to either Ben or I and have us turn it on and then away the car goes. Of cousre we have to have some fun too. We will run the remote and Devin will chase after the car. He usually catches it pretty fast and then brings it back to us.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Rocking Chair

Devin got a rockin' chair for christmas and he likes to climb in and out of it. As you may notice, it is by the wall. That is because Devin likes to try to stand on it and this way it is less likely to fall over. He hasn't figured out how to rock in the chair the correct way, but he still likes it anyway.
On a funny note he has figured out that the flash on my camera is bright. So, whenever I have the camera out now he will smile and pose for the camera but he will also close his eyes. What a silly boy!